The articles are now split up into smaller, more manageable sections to make it easier to find what you are looking for. In our monthly columns, we try to raise issues which will be applicable on some level to people with all types of disabilities. Often, also, these articles cover issues which are considered “taboo” or uncomfortable, or which have resulted in some disagreement, even within the disabled community, in the past. At other times the articles are simply intended to act as support for those of us struggling with self-doubt or confusions. These articles are aimed at making people consider what they may not have in the past, be they disabled or able-bodied.
I have also, when able, included links to related articles on the topics discussed in my articles.
In addition to monthly columns, we also offer a number of resources pertaining to sexuality and specific disabilities. These articles are not the work of the webmaster but are a bit of medical background to help those who are searching for answers pertaining to specific medical issues and sexuality. We have looked for the best sources that we could find in these instances and placed them together in order to make your search more fruitful.
Click on the links below to be taken to the different sections. Also remember to check back fairly regularly for new articles. We are continually on the look-out for new articles which may be of use, in addition to the monthly commentaries.
Monthly Columns — Commentary and Controversy, The Fuzzy Circle Column…
Arthritis and Sexuality
Muscular Dystrophy and Sexuality
Multiple Sclerosis and Sexuality
Spinal Cord Injury and Sexuality
Mental Disability and Sexuality
General Sexuality and Disability Articles
More Categories to be Added as Needed
Monthly Columns
The Fuzzy Circle Column (NEW)
An Introduction to Fuzzy Circle
Read a bit about the author, how he came to be writing this column, and how he feels about contributing, and contributions by others, to the site.
Sex, Food, Society and People With Disabilities (PWDs)
Do people with disabilities think about sex more often than people who aren’t disabled? Why or why not, and what does this mean? And what the hell does this have to do with food? You’ll have to read and find out!
Commentary and Controversy
Personal Care Assistants often help disabled people with many every-day tasks. Because they may see us in, or help us out of, a number of compromising situations, should we ask them to aid us in sex-related activities?
Over-Medicalization of Disability is a problem which can often have immense influence on our self-concepts and teach us damaging lessons about our place in society as disabled people.
Attitude Counts! It’s a two-way street. Read how our own attitudes can influence our sexuality and how people see us.
Body Image and Disability are two very intertwined issues. How can we have a positive outlook on ourselves and our bodies in a world which makes this so difficult? Read our thoughts on this.
Sexual Pleasure — Part 1 — Learning Yourself I’ve never been one for keeping up with the trends, but the topic I wanted to tackle next is a biggie, and I realized that I wanted to jump from A to C, so to speak. But no more. I’m going to give this topic all the time it deserves. So here is part 1 of a 2-parter, just like Fuzzy’s!
Arthritis and Sexuality
Arthritis and Sexuality from About.com’s Arthritis pages.
Sex and Arthritis, adapted from brochures from the Arthritis Foundation.
This is a VERY good and thorough resource. Don’t forget to find the link to page 2, which has the bulk of the info.
Arthritis and Sexuality by James P. Semmens MD
Pregnancy and Arthritis, adapted from brochures from the Arthritis Foundation.
As with the info on sexuality from the Arthritis Foundation, this is a very good resource. Again, don’t miss the link to page 2.
Sexuality and Arthritis from the Arthritis Research Campain.
This pamphlet includes info on sexual positions, including illustrations, which makes it useful for anyone with chronic pain.
Arthritis and Sexuality from Arthritis Canada.
How Arthritis Complicates Sexuality from About.com’s Arthritis pages.
Building a Healthy Sexual Relationship from Arthritis Canada.
Muscular Dystrophy and Sexuality
Speaking of Sex: Common Myths About Sex And Neuromuscular Disorders by Margaret Wahl
This very good article from Quest is extremely thorough, going as far as explaining the biology of sex and tackling many issues people with various forms of MD face.
Dearly Beloved: Marriage and MD
Married couples were interviewed on their experiences in marriage. Another article from Quest.
Having a Baby? Maybe: Four Women Neuromuscular Disorders Tell Their Pregnancy Stories
This is a very good and thorough article from Quest.
What Worries Doctors Most About Pregnancy
This article outlines, in detail, the dangers that a mother with muscular dystrophy may face in pregancy, including which types of MD might be more conducive to certain problems. It is definitely an important read for anyone with MD considering childbearing.
GIFTS OF LOVE: Parenthood Has Special Meaning for Moms and Dads with Neuromuscular Disease
Multiple Sclerosis and Sexuality
Sexuality and MS by Dr. Randall T. Schapiro and Staff
Sexuality, Multiple Sclerosis, and Men by Frederick W. Foley PHD and Audrey Sanders MA.
Sex Hormones in MS from the National MS Society.
This article discusses the role of sex hormones in MS — including how the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding, birth control and other issues effect MS. This brochure seems geared toward women, but will be useful for partners or interested men to read to remain informed on women’s issues.
Sexual Changes in Multiple Sclerosis from the Multiple Sclerosis Quarterly Report from the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association.
MS and Intimacy from the National MS Society.
Etiology: Sexual Dysfunction in Men with MS from the World of MS.
On Pregnancy from the National MS Society.
Intimacy and Sexuality in Persons with MS from the National MS Society.
Plaintalk from the National MS Society.
This brochure, aimed at family, covers a lot of issues, including sexuality.
Multiple Sclerosis: Its effects on you and those you love from the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada.
Spinal Cord Injury and Sexuality
Sexuality and Spinal Cord Injury: Where We Are and Where We Are Going by Marca L. Sipski, MD.
Sex and Sexuality After SCI
This articles is on a personal site, but it is surprisingly thorough.
Sex and SCI: The Personal Side
This article is a summary of a discussion from the a SCI Forum hosted by the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Department of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Sex and SCI: The Physical Side
This is also from the University of Washington, summary of a panel discussion.
Sex and SCI
Summary of another panel discussion from University of Washington.
Aging and Sexuality by Stanley Ducharme, PHD. (author of Sexuality After Spinal Cord Injury: Answers To Your Questions — see our reading list.
Sexuality and Dating
One of two articles from University of Washington
Sexuality and Dating
The second of two articles from University of Washington
An Introduction to Spinal Cord Injury: Understanding the Changes from the Paralyzed Veterans of America. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF file). Note – they intend to start charging a small fee for downloads.
The Effects of Spinal Cord Injury on Sexuality from University of Texas, School of Allied Health Services.
This article is relatively short but useful.
Female Sexuality
Women’s Health and Sexual Function After Spinal Cord Injury from the Spinal Cord Injury Information Network
This article covers menstruation, fertility and birth control, menopause, STDs, cancers, and other things. Very thorough.
Pregnancy and SCI — Fact Sheet #14 from the Spinal Cord Injury Information Network
New Female Sexuality by Stanley Ducharme, PHD.
Study on Women’s Self-Reported Reproductive Health Following SCI — Part 1 — Gynecology and Menopause, from the Spinal Cord Injury Information Network
Study on Women’s Self-Reported Reproductive Health Following SCI — Part 2 — Sexuality and Obstetrics, from the Spinal Cord Injury Information Network
Male Sexuality
Male Sexuality from the Spinal Cord Injury Information Network
Fact Sheet #3: Sexuality in Males with Spinal Cord Injury — revised December 2000. From the Spinal Cord Injury Information Network
Sexuality and Relationships
This article discusses erectile dysfunction and its prevalence among men — not just men with SCI. It also discusses issues of libido and orgasm.
Sexuality and SCI: Viagra Frenzy
This article discusses the effect of Viagra on men with spinal cord injuries.
Parenting and SCI — November 11 1995 from the University of Washington School of Medicine Dept of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Childbirth, Parenting, and SCI from the University of Washington School of Medicine Dept of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Fertility and Parenting, 1998, from University of Washington School of Medicine
Parenting and SCI — November 6 1996 from the University of Washington School of Medicine Dept of Rehabilitation Medicine.
More coming soon
Mental Disability and Sexuality
Loving and Disability: Not Just Theoretical from The Arc.
Parents With Mental Retardation from The Arc
Partnership and Marriage in Down Syndrome by Roy I Brown, School of Special Education and Disability Studies, Flinders University of South Australia
Sexuality in Down Syndrome by William W. Schwab MD
This article is more of a frequently-asked-questions, but it is good, if a bit concise.
The Importance of Friendship Between People With and Without Mental Retardation from The Arc.
General Sexuality and Disability Articles
Sexuality and People With Disabilities
This article is somewhat academic but pretty good. Of particular interest are the detailed bibliography at the end and the list of organizations which may prove helpful for us–some of which I hadn’t even heard of!
Sex and Disabilities: A 4 Part Article
Linked here is the first of four parts of an article from Accessibilty.COM: Australia. A great quote from this article: “There’s nothing as unimaginative as popular culture when it comes to sex. If any group can break that stranglehold, it’s the disability community.” Don’t forget to read the next 3 parts!
Love on Wheels: A Disabled Writer Looks for Better Sex
This article is great, extremely honest and real. It is from Clean Sheets, a very well-known and respected sex and erotica magazine. This article recounts one woman’s personal story of dealing with sex and learning to love her body and herself as a disabled person.
Maybe We Can Love by Bek Oberin and Jenn Vesperman
A very honest and open, human look at chronic pain and how it effects sexuality.
Cupid’s Helpers
An article on online dating for the disabled. Very thorough. It’s from QUEST, a newsletter for people with Muscular Dystrophy, but it can of course apply to anyone with a disability.
Rocky Road to Romance.
A very good article on dating for the disabled, also from Quest.
For more articles, don’t forget to also check our Internet Resources: Magazines section.
More coming soon