Reading List

The book list has been split into a number of categories to make finding the information you’re looking for easier. Links to these categories are in the sidebar on the left. Some books are out of print, while others are published by small publishing companies which you may have to contact by phone or mail. We’re therefore including helpful tips on how to locate hard-to-find books, below. The books which have been reviewed will have a link to the review at the end of the description. Remember: This list is not complete by any means, and new books are added fairly regularly. All books are listed in alphabetical order.

How do you find out-of-print books?
If you’re determined to find an out of print book and own it, you can try, B&N;’s, Border’s, or the Advanced Book Exchange ( to find a used copy. Check back frequently, as these records change fairly often. and might also be useful, and books might actually be cheaper from them, but shipping takes much longer.

If you don’t want to buy the book, then search your local library for it! And if you cannot find it there, remember that there are Inter-Library Loan systems. If you’re not sure how this works for your particular library, ask a librarian, but the basic idea is that your library is networked with a number of others in your region, probably by state but possibly on a broader scale. You can get the book shipped from any library your library is networked with, and can probably even renew the book even though it’s not through your library.

What about books from small publishers?
One example of this is Cheever Publishing, which is associated with Accent on Living magazine. You can order their materials through the mail or over the phone. If you can’t find something, these two methods are a pretty sure bet. In cases where it’s likely that you may have to use this method, we’ll try our best to list the appropriate contact information. Any other questions? Ask.