This site is meant to address topics and issues which the visitors find to be the most important. While it’s also meant to address issues which many of us may sometimes feel uncomfortable with — who doesn’t feel uncomfortable with sex and sexuality in this culture sometimes? — it’s most important for us to know your concerns so that we can address them.
Writing can also be a very therapeutic and helpful experience. We are especially interested in sharing of personal experiences by our visitors… be they positive or negative. Anyone wishing to contribute is guaranteed anonymity and can offer us a pseudonym to be used, or we will create one, unless told otherwise. So–tell us what you think, feel, fear. We will not be judgmental at all on anything you feel comfortable in discussing, and want to make this site an open and accepting place where people understand they can go in order to read about and discuss virtually anything relating to sexuality and disability. This site is also meant for people with all manners of disability–visible or invisible physical disability, illness, or mental disabilities.
Tell us what you want to hear about on the site. Plans are in action to keep this a growing resource, but plans can always be changed to help you find out what you want and need to know. (NOTE: this applies to content and not major design changes *wink*.)
If you have read any of the books on our reading list and would like to review them we are very open to this kind of contribution as well! Or, if you can think of any other way that you would like to contribute, please get in touch with us and we will be more than willing to work out the details. We want to fill in as many gaps as possible on this site and make sure that people with disabilities of all kinds feel that their concerns are being addressed–although we also believe that there are many common threads which bind together all disabled people on these matters.